The New Dawn

Audiobook Series — Also available in other formats: eBook Series
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The world appears to be racing toward a man-made climactic suicide; nations develop evermore advanced technological weaponry, a pandemic starts, wars happen… In The New Dawn, Osho talks of a way forward through these social and environmental crises.

The world appears to be racing toward a man-made climactic suicide; nations develop evermore advanced technological weaponry, a pandemic starts, wars happen… In The New Dawn, Osho talks of a way forward through these social and environmental crises.

Excerpt from: The New Dawn, Chapter 28

“Bringing your questions to me is dangerous. You will be sorry for it because my whole work is to destroy your questions, to demolish your mind and to clean you completely from all past and all inheritance from the past. I want you to be as fresh as Adam and Eve, as if there has been nobody before you, so that you can start completely fresh. Then each moment is such an adventure and such a deep penetration into mystery. And you don’t know fear because you have never experienced fear. You are not conditioned because you have never been with anybody.

“Meditation is my method to demolish your past, and your mind is nothing but your past. Meditation is my method to give you a new birth, a new beginning, a revolution in your being, so that you can find reality as an experience for your thirsting soul, not answers for your questions.

“Questions and answers are just intellectual. You need a real encounter with existence. Only that can help you to blossom, to be liberated, to be enlightened. Silence is perfectly the right path. If your heart has heard and felt something of silence and is entering the mystery of existence, then forget all about your questions and forget all about answers. Just be silent. And as you become more and more silent, the mystery will go on opening its doors to you. Door upon door, peak upon peak – there is no end.

“Life is such an eternal miracle, and it opens its doors only to the magic of silence. Whoever has understood silence has known the science, the magic, the art, the knack of entering reality as if it is your own home. In fact it is.

“Questions and answers will keep you outside the temple, and will never allow you to enter the temple. Leave questions and answers where people leave their shoes, and enter the silence of the temple. Silence is the way. That will bring you a new dawn, a new explosion of light, an overwhelming dance – a dance in which the stars and the trees and the ocean will be your partners. The whole existence will be your music.

“I don’t teach anything about God, I teach simply about experiencing the dance of this mysterious life. And you will know about God. God is not a person, but only the fragrance when you have come to your ultimate actualization. When you have attained your destiny, you will know a quality that can only be called godliness. You will not meet a God confronting you, you will see God radiating from your heart, from your very being, as rays of light and love and compassion and beauty.

“Life is so mysterious. If you are open, you will find everywhere so much to laugh at. It is simply hilarious. So enjoy this life, its hilariousness, its mystery, and be just like an innocent child without any questions, without any answers. Don’t be bothered about knowledge, and I promise you wisdom will be yours.

“Those who are knowledgeable are preventing wisdom from entering their beings. Knowledge is not a door, it is a wall; it is a China Wall, very thick. It does not allow anything so fragile as wisdom. It does not allow anything like light, fragrance, joy, music, anything that can make your life meaningful, significant.

“And you can declare to existence that it has been a great blessing to be here on the planet. There is no way to pay it back. All that we can do is to show our gratitude, our thankfulness. That thankfulness is the only right prayer. It has no words in it, just a feeling of gratitude.”

More Information
Publisher Osho Media International
Type Series of Talks