Awareness Cannot Be Aware of Itself
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"The understanding of Bodhidharma's teachings will be easier if you understand a few points. First is the hypothesis of reincarnation. All the religions born outside of India believe in only one life. The religions born..."
"The understanding of Bodhidharma's teachings will be easier if you understand a few points. First is the hypothesis of reincarnation. All the religions born outside of India believe in only one life. The religions born..."
Osho continues:
"Seventy years is such a small span that one-third of it is wasted in sleep; one-third of it is wasted in educating you to earn your livelihood. And the remaining one-third, you waste in many ways because you don't know what to do with it.
"I have seen people playing cards or chess and I have asked them, 'Can't you find anything better to do?' And their answer has consistently been the samethey are killing time. Such is the unawareness of man. You don't have much time. You cannot afford to kill time.
"Moreover time is killing you; you cannot kill time. Each moment, time is bringing your death closer and closer.
"If you count all your activities. Shaving your beard twice a day – how much time you put into it! Listening to the radio or watching the television – how much time you waste on it. An American survey shows that each American wastes seven and a half hours every day watching television. That is one third of his life he is just sitting, glued to his chair, watching all kinds of nonsense.
"How much time do you waste smoking cigarettes, cigars? There are people who are chain smokers. How much time you waste in reading newspapers which never bring any news! All that they bring is simply sick – murders, rapes, suicides, wars. They make you believe that this is the world and this is our life. They relieve you from your responsibility. They convince you that the whole world is like this. Nothing is wrong, everybody is doing it.
"They never bring you any news of somebody becoming enlightened. Perhaps that is not news. Somebody is entering deeper realms of meditation – perhaps that is not news. Somebody has become calm and quiet and gone beyond anger, greed, agony. That is not news!
"Once Bernard Shaw was asked, 'What is news?' He said, 'When a dog bites a man, it is not news. When a man bites a dog, it is news.'
"How much time you are wasting in reading about how many men are biting dogs! If you count carefully, you will be surprised that you don't have, in your seventy years of life, even seven minutes for yourself."
"I have seen people playing cards or chess and I have asked them, 'Can't you find anything better to do?' And their answer has consistently been the samethey are killing time. Such is the unawareness of man. You don't have much time. You cannot afford to kill time.
"Moreover time is killing you; you cannot kill time. Each moment, time is bringing your death closer and closer.
"If you count all your activities. Shaving your beard twice a day – how much time you put into it! Listening to the radio or watching the television – how much time you waste on it. An American survey shows that each American wastes seven and a half hours every day watching television. That is one third of his life he is just sitting, glued to his chair, watching all kinds of nonsense.
"How much time do you waste smoking cigarettes, cigars? There are people who are chain smokers. How much time you waste in reading newspapers which never bring any news! All that they bring is simply sick – murders, rapes, suicides, wars. They make you believe that this is the world and this is our life. They relieve you from your responsibility. They convince you that the whole world is like this. Nothing is wrong, everybody is doing it.
"They never bring you any news of somebody becoming enlightened. Perhaps that is not news. Somebody is entering deeper realms of meditation – perhaps that is not news. Somebody has become calm and quiet and gone beyond anger, greed, agony. That is not news!
"Once Bernard Shaw was asked, 'What is news?' He said, 'When a dog bites a man, it is not news. When a man bites a dog, it is news.'
"How much time you are wasting in reading about how many men are biting dogs! If you count carefully, you will be surprised that you don't have, in your seventy years of life, even seven minutes for yourself."
Publisher | Osho International |
Duration of Talk | 111 mins |
File Size | 26.45 MB |
Type | Conversa Individual |
Edition/ Version | 2 |
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