Bringing Up Children

Help your child – protect him from yourself!
Talk #3 of the Series, From Darkness to Light
Mini eBook
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Osho responds to a question about the right way to help children to grow without interfering in their natural potentiality.

"Every way to help a child is wrong.
The very idea of helping is not right.
The child needs your love, not your help.
The child needs nourishment, support, but not your help." Osho
Osho responds to a question about the right way to help children to grow without interfering in their natural potentiality.

"Every way to help a child is wrong.
The very idea of helping is not right.
The child needs your love, not your help.
The child needs nourishment, support, but not your help." Osho

Excerpted from: From Darkness to Light, #3
"The natural potential of the child is unknown, so there is no way to help him rightly to attain to his natural potential. You cannot help when the goal is unknown; all that you can do is not interfere. And in fact, in the name of help everybody is interfering with everybody else; and because the name is beautiful, nobody objects.

"Of course the child is so small, so dependent on you, he cannot object. And the people around are just like you: they have also been helped by their parents, the way you have been helped. Neither they have attained their natural potential, nor have you.

"The whole world is missing out in spite of all the help from the parents, from the family, from the relatives, from the neighbors, from the teachers, from the priests. In fact everybody is so burdened with help that under its weight ... what to say of attaining natural potential – one cannot even attain unnatural potential! One cannot move; the weight on everybody′s shoulders is Himalayan.

"And it is one of the most difficult things, not to interfere. It is not the nature of the mind. Mind is basically continuously, persistently, tempted to interfere. It lives on interference. The more you can interfere, the more powerful you are.

"How do you measure power? It is not something material, you cannot weigh it – but it is measured, weighed. The way to measure it is by how much you can interfere in how many people′s lives. Adolf Hitler is powerful because he can interfere in millions of people′s lives. You are not Adolf Hitler, but still you can interfere in a few people′s lives ... a little, miniature Adolf Hitler.

"At least the husband can interfere in the wife′s life, the wife can interfere in the husband′s life. It is a mutual game; in this way both become powerful. The husband goes on interfering in his own way, without being aware why they are interfering. They were supposed to be together to enhance each other′s life but…." Osho
More Information
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0-88050-030-2
File Size 181 KB
Number of Pages 29
Type Conversa Individual
Format Adobe ePub