The Alchemy of Yoga

Talks on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Vol. 4 of the Series: Yoga: The Science of the Soul
eBook — Também disponível em outros formatos:Áudiolivro (English)
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Although born more than four thousand years ago, Patanjali remains contemporary – Yoga has become part of today’s natural healthy lifestyle. In this commentary on the sutras, Osho reintroduces the foundations of Yoga in a way accessible to everyone.

Although born more than four thousand years ago, Patanjali remains contemporary – Yoga has become part of today’s natural healthy lifestyle. In this commentary on the sutras, Osho reintroduces the foundations of Yoga in a way accessible to everyone.

Excerpt from: The Alchemy of Yoga, Chapter 1
"Austerity cannot be practiced. You simply have to look at life and see that the more complicated you become, the less sensitive you become. And the less sensitive you are, the farther away from the divine you are. The more sensitive you become, the closer and closer and closer you come. A day comes when you are sensitive to the very roots of your being; suddenly you are no longer there, you are just a sensibility, a sensitivity. You are no longer there, you are just an awareness. And everything is beautiful then, everything is alive; nothing is dead.

"Everything is conscious, nothing is unconscious. With your sensitivity, the world changes. At the last moment, when the sensitivity reaches to its total, its ultimate climax, the world disappears; there is godliness. God is not to be found, really; sensitivity has to be found. Be sensitive so totally that nothing is left behind, no holding back; and suddenly, God is there. God has always been there, only you were not sensitive. …"

Chapter 7:

"And you can be free. You need not wait for the whole world to be freed first. You can be blissful. You need not wait for the whole world to be freed from miseries. If you wait, you will wait in vain – it is not going to happen.

"This is an inner phenomenon: to be freed from bondage. You can live totally free in a totally unfree world. You can live totally free; even in a prison it makes no difference, because it is an inner attitude. If your inner seeds are broken, you are free. You cannot make Buddha a prisoner. You can throw him in the prison but you cannot make him a prisoner. He will live there, he will live there with full awareness. If you are in full awareness you are always in moksha, always in freedom. Awareness is freedom, unawareness is bondage." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
past... life... miserable... consciousness... society... love... sensitive... patanjali... ouspensky... epicurus...
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Type Série Completa
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0-88050-327-3
Format Adobe ePub