When It Is Ripe, the Heart Opens

TrackThe Transmission of the Lamp

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"There are many things which have changed as the centuries have passed. First, the search for truth used to be the only search that any man of genius would undertake. There was no other search..."
When It Is Ripe, the Heart Opens
Click on Chapter Titles below for Details of Each Talk
"There are many things which have changed as the centuries have passed. First, the search for truth used to be the only search that any man of genius would undertake. There was no other search..."

Osho continues:
"He comes to realize it only when his search – whatever he was doing – has come to an end and he feels unfulfilled and cannot see a way leading anywhere. All goals are missed because he has made a certain goal, he has achieved it, but it gives no satisfaction – not even to Albert Einstein.

"Although his name will remain as one of the greatest scientists ever, it gave him no contentment. Inwardly he was frustrated. At the moment of death he said, 'If there is another life – the way the Hindus believe – I would like to be a plumber rather than a physicist.' What he is saying is he would like to be a nobody, a plumber, rather than being a celebrity because physics is enriched by his effort but he remains poor. Physics is certainly enriched. Without Albert Einstein it would have been a different story. He influenced all the spheres of life, but his own life remained empty – and this recognition came too late, and even when it came there was nobody he could turn to.

"Geniuses have gone on different adventures.

"Secondly, there are very few masters available. There are only teachers because religions have not allowed masters to exist. Every master is a danger to the establishment – religious, political, social – whatever it is. He cannot say but the truth, and the whole establishment is based on lies, lies upon lies.

"So down the ages, slowly, slowly, they have crucified masters, poisoned masters, killed masters. Slowly, slowly the phenomenon of a master has become very rare.

"Even if someone comes to the state of realization he remains silent because very few people like crucifixion, and very few people like to be condemned by the whole world.

"And the problem is, unless the master declares himself, there is nobody else who can declare him. There is nobody else who is above him. So it is up to him to keep silent or to take on himself all the antagonism and venom of the ugly people who are in power all over the world.

"So in the first place, very few people reach to that state, because the people who might have reached are working in the world of chemistry, physics, mathematics, astronomy."
More Information
Publisher Osho International
Duration of Talk 107 mins
File Size 25.66 MB
Type Conversa Individual