The Wisdom of the Sands, Vol. 2

Talks on Sufism
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In this series, Osho speaks on a vast range of topics, from advice about living, to the ultimate nature of existence. A recurrent theme throughout comes from a variety of Sufi stories, with Osho showing how these stories are to be savored and treasured.
In this series, Osho speaks on a vast range of topics, from advice about living, to the ultimate nature of existence. A recurrent theme throughout comes from a variety of Sufi stories, with Osho showing how these stories are to be savored and treasured.

Extract from Chapter 7
“God is present in everything. God is the depth of everything – let us say it in that way: God is the depth of a roseflower, the depth of a rock, the depth of man and woman, the depth of love, the depth of sadness, the depth of joy. God means depth – if you know how to live deeply. And you will only know how to live deeply if you go on constantly dying to the past and being born into the future. Between these two, the depth happens, your being deepens. Suddenly the door opens and you can see that which is. For a moment the mind is no longer functioning. The mind is dropped, the new mind is still not born, and you can see the truth as it is. Soon the new mind will be born, and the moment it is born it starts becoming old; again you will have to drop it. This I call meditation. Meditation is a way to face the real crisis of life, to face one’s own growth and the growing pains.

“Philosophy distracts, theology deceives. Politics only keeps you occupied in stupid things. Art only decorates the cell. And science is not yet courageous enough to tackle the real problem, so it goes on working on things, on the outer. Religion is that courage to enter the paradoxical reality of birth and death together, of matter and mind together, of this and that together. Very few people have been religious – a Buddha, a Krishna, a Zarathustra. Each person can have that joy of being religious, can live God, but then you will have to renounce many things. You will have to renounce your philosophies, your religions. You will have to renounce your stupid occupations. I’m not saying that you have to renounce the world – your wife, your children, your work – no. That is not the problem. The real problem is in your beliefs. You have to renounce your beliefs.

“But what happens in the world? Somebody gets fed up with the world: he renounces the children, the family, and escapes to a Himalayan cave, or to a Catholic monastery. He renounces all except his beliefs. Those beliefs he carries to the monastery – and those beliefs are the real things to be renounced! I teach my sannyasins to renounce the beliefs, the concepts, the prejudices. The world is perfectly beautiful because the world is the visible God. Just renounce your attitudes that you have been taught, that you have been conditioned for. If you renounce your conditionings, you have renounced your ignorance. You will become innocent, and out of that innocence knowing arises. One becomes wise.
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Publisher Osho Media International
Type Série Completa