Ancient Music in the Pines

In Zen, Mind Suddenly Stops
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In these talks, Osho brings to life the timeless wisdom of Zen. Using entertaining anecdotes of the exchanges between Zen masters and the people around them, his stimulating, profound and original commentaries make clear the meaning and significance of these stories for the present day.

In these talks, Osho brings to life the timeless wisdom of Zen. Using entertaining anecdotes of the exchanges between Zen masters and the people around them, his stimulating, profound and original commentaries make clear the meaning and significance of these stories for the present day.

Excerpt from: Ancient Music in the Pines, Chapter 1
"You can hear the ancient music in the pines because it is eternal music, it is never lost. You have lost the capacity to hear it. The music is eternal; once you regain your capacity, suddenly it is there again. It has always been there, only you were not there. Be here now and you can also see clouds a thousand miles away, and hear ancient music in the pines." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
silence... breathing... alive... meditation... memory... situation... trust... bodhidharma... einstein... shaw...
More Information
Type Volledige reeks
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN 81-72610793
ISBN-13 978-0984444427
Dimensions (size) 145 x 210 mm
Number of Pages 160