OSHO Discover the Buddha App

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The 52 cards in this deck comprise a thoughtful guide to understanding the Buddhas important contribution to humanity.
The 52 cards in this deck comprise a thoughtful guide to understanding the Buddhas important contribution to humanity.

Only Love Dispels Hate…
"What is the law? That hate never dispels hate – darkness cannot dispel darkness – that only love dispels hate. Only light can dispel darkness: love is light, the light of your being, and hate is the darkness of your being. If you are dark inside, you go on throwing hate all around you. If you are light within, luminous, then you go on radiating light around you. A sannyasin has to be a radiant love, a radiant light.

"Aes dhammo sanantano. Buddha repeats this again and again – this is the eternal law. What is the eternal law? Only love dispels hate, only light dispels darkness. Why? – because darkness in itself is only a negative state; it has no positive existence of its own. It does not really exist – how can you dispel it? You cannot do anything directly to darkness. If you want to do anything to darkness you will have to do something with light. Bring light in and darkness is gone, take light out and darkness comes in. But you cannot bring darkness in or out directly – you cannot do anything with darkness. Remember, you cannot do anything with hate either.", Osho, The Dhammapada, Vol. 8
What's New in Version 1.1
# Changed Icons
# Fixed credits
# Minor bug fixes

More Information
Edition/ Version 1.1
Publisher Osho International
File Size 6 MB