Danger: Truth at Work

eBook — Also available in other formats: 전자 책 (English)오디오 북 (English)
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These talks go to the heart of the most fundamental human issue: with all the knowledge we have, why can't we just live happily and be content ? Osho explains that religious conditioning has held us back and shows how to transcend it.

These talks go to the heart of the most fundamental human issue: with all the knowledge we have, why can't we just live happily and be content ? Osho explains that religious conditioning has held us back and shows how to transcend it.

Excerpt from: Danger: Truth at Work, Chapter 4
"Misery has always been there; but to be aware of the misery is a new factor. And that is the beginning of transformation. If you become aware of something, then there is a possibility that something can be done to change it.

"People have lived in misery, accepting it as part of life, as their destiny. Nobody has questioned it. Nobody has asked why. And before anybody could ask why, the religious prophets, messiahs and priests were ready with the answer. Christianity is ready with the answer:"It is because Adam and Eve committed the original sin; hence you are suffering." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
religion... nobody... religious... god... unconscious... science... individuality... mahavira... bodhidharma... alexander...
More Information
Type 요약 된 제품
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0-88050-764-6
Number of Pages 244
File Size 410 KB
Format Nook Or Kindle