The Guest

Talks on Kabir
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What does the word God mean? In Osho’s terminology it means love, life, and existence. Through the beautiful songs of Kabir, Osho explores the concept of “the guest.” The guest is godliness, and the seeker must become a host to receive it. “Now wake up. Friend, now wake up!”

The Guest

What does the word God mean? In Osho’s terminology it means love, life, and existence. Through the beautiful songs of Kabir, Osho explores the concept of “the guest.” The guest is godliness, and the seeker must become a host to receive it. “Now wake up. Friend, now wake up!”

Excerpt from: The Guest, Chapter 1
"Man is not what he is; man has become what he is not; that’s the root cause of his misery. He has gone astray from his being, he has become too involved in becoming.

"To become means to become false. To become means to become that which you are not. To be is already the case. Man has not to become anything other than he is, he has to relax into his being and know the truth.

"The truth is already given, the truth is not somewhere in the future. It is not a goal but the source. You are coming from truth. If you can find the source again you will know what truth is. You are not going towards truth; all going takes you farther and farther away from truth.

"You must have heard the name of Radha. Mythologically she is known to be the most beloved woman of Krishna. He had many lovers; Radha was the suprememost. But historically there has never been any woman by the name of Radha, and in the ancient scriptures her name is not mentioned at all. It is an invention of later mystics, later sages, and it has tremendous significance; it will be good to understand it." Osho
More Information
Publisher Osho Media International
Type シリーズ