Does a Flower Need Religion?

TrackFrom Darkness to Light

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"It is one of the most basic questions that can be asked. The first thing to understand is, who is a pagan? It is not what Christians go on calling a pagan. The pagan is..."
Does a Flower Need Religion?
"It is one of the most basic questions that can be asked. The first thing to understand is, who is a pagan? It is not what Christians go on calling a pagan. The pagan is..."

Osho continues:
"If you have a headache, you certainly inquire why; you go to the doctor to find out the cause. But when you don't have any headache, what to say about headache? – you even forget about the head. Without the headache is there any head? There is no need even to remember it. When you are healthy you never ask the question, What is the meaning of health? Such a question only arises in the mind of a man who is not healthy.

"The people who ask what is the meaning of life are the people who have missed life, who are alive because they are still breathing, their heart is still beating, their pulse is still going on; otherwise they are dead. Except for these three things there is nothing in their life. Naturally the question arises: What is the meaning?

"Heart beating, breathing continuing, pulse perfectly right – but can these three things give you any fulfillment, any joy? Can these three things be the meaning of existence, the meaning of being? This is vegetating, not living. These are the people who ask, 'What is the meaning of life?' – because they are missing it.

"The people who are really living are in love with life, in love with the small things of life, not hankering for any great things, non-ambitious.

"Sipping a cup of tea is enough of a joy for them.

"Just to see the sunrise is such a glory that who bothers what is the meaning of life? They enjoy their food, they enjoy their clothes, they enjoy their houses, they enjoy their gardens, they enjoy their lovers, their beloveds. They enjoy music, they enjoy poetry.

"They enjoy everything that is enjoyable, with no guilt.

"Joy is not a sin, and to be happy is not a crime. On the contrary, not to enjoy is a sin, not to be happy is to be a criminal, because the person who is not happy is going to do something wrong sooner or later. He is potentially on the way to crime. If he cannot be happy, he cannot allow anybody else to be happy; that is intolerable to him. He will be destructive of other people's happiness, of other people's joys."
More Information
Publisher Osho International
Duration of Talk 105 mins
File Size 29.53 MB
Type 個々の講話