The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol.2

Talks on the Atma Pooja Upanishad
Book — Also available in other formats: AudioBook Series
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A precious legacy from a golden age of Indian awakening. Osho illuminates each seed-like word.

A precious legacy from a golden age of Indian awakening. Osho illuminates each seed-like word.

Excerpt from: The Ultimate Alchemy, Vol.2, Chapter 5
"You must have heard about the Taoist concept of yin and yang, the concept of polar opposites into one reality. Reality exists through polar opposites – through the positive and the negative, through the male and the female, through yin and yang.

"Reality is a dialectical process. And when I say ‘dialectical process,’ I mean it is not a simple process, it is very complex. A simple process means one element working; a dialectical process means two polar opposites working in one direction. And though they appear as opposites, they create a symphony, they create a musical harmony. And that harmony is reality.

"Man and woman, they create humanity. Man alone is not humanity, neither is woman alone humanity. Human being – the music, the synthesis we call human being – is a dialectical phenomenon. Man and woman, they both work to create humanity, they both help to create humanity. And the way of their creating it is dialectical. They exist as polar opposites, and the inner tension between the two creates the energy for movement, for process, for further growth.

"It is the same on every plane. If we go deep down with the physicist to the atom’s structure, inner structure, then again we find two polar opposites working there: the negative electricity and the positive electricity. Because of these two polar opposites, matter is created. If there is only positive electricity, the world will disappear immediately. If there is only negative electricity, there will be nothing. But negative electricity and positive electricity create an inner tension, and because of that inner tension matter exists." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
center... existence... past... freedom... truth... situation... breath... mahavira... gurdjieff... adam...
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Publisher Divyansh Publication
ISBN 81-7261-197-8