
Individual Talk

From:The Great Zen Master Ta Hui

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"Ta Hui in these sutras comes very close to truth. But even to be close to truth is not to attain it. Even the closeness is a distance.
"Whatever he is saying could have been..."
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"Ta Hui in these sutras comes very close to truth. But even to be close to truth is not to attain it. Even the closeness is a distance.
"Whatever he is saying could have been..."

Osho continues:
"And anybody who knows light and knows the colors of the rainbow will immediately feel that the man is blind. Perhaps he has heard about light, but he has not seen it. And I will tell you how different would be the same statement from a man of enlightenment.

"The first sutra:
'Buddha' is the medicine for sentient beings; once the disease of sentient beings is removed, the medicine has no further use.
"It is perfectly true as far as medicine is concerned, but buddha is not the medicine. Buddha is the state when you are cured and no medicine is needed. Buddha is your innermost nature.

"A man who knows through experience would have said, 'Meditation is the medicine for sentient beings. Once the disease of sentient beings is removed, the medicine has no further use. Meditation is no longer needed for one who is enlightened.'

"But to use the word buddha instead of meditation shows tremendous confusion in the mind of the person. He may have heard someone talking about how once the disease is gone the medicine has no use. That's true, but is buddha the medicine? Buddha is your absolute help. He is your intrinsic eternal nature – you cannot discard it. It is you, in your very innermost authentic being.

"Meditation is a method, and the method is for a particular purpose. When the purpose is fulfilled, the method is not of any use. Do you think I meditate? The disease is gone and at the same moment, simultaneously, meditation has also disappeared.

"I have told you before that the words meditation and medicine come from the same root. Medicine is to cure the body, and meditation is to cure the consciousness, but their function is to cure. Once the cure has happened they become of no use, but to use the word buddha is absolutely absurd. That's how a man who tries intellectually to understand is bound to commit small mistakes, and he will not be able to figure out where he is committing the mistake. He is very careful, but carefulness alone is not going to help. Consciousness is needed.
If you want to attain oneness, just give up both buddhas and sentient beings at once.
More Information
Publisher Osho International
Duration of Talk 97 mins
File Size 21.65 MB
Type Individual Talks