OSHO Prayer Meditation™ (MP3)

Música para meditaciónes
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In this meditation you can experience prayer as an energy phenomenon, not a devotion to God but a merging, an opening. This merging with energy is prayer. It changes you. A new élan, a new life will start penetrating you.
In this meditation you can experience prayer as an energy phenomenon, not a devotion to God but a merging, an opening. This merging with energy is prayer. It changes you. A new élan, a new life will start penetrating you.

Instructions: One stage with cycles of two parts: approximately 20 minutes Kneel, raised up on your knees, eyes closed. Raise both your arms toward the sky, the palms of your hands uppermost, head up toward the sky, just feeling existence flowing in you. As the energy or prana flows down your arms you will feel a gentle tremor. Be like a leaf in a breeze, trembling – allow it, help it. Then let your whole body vibrate with energy, and just let whatever happens happen. After two to three minutes or whenever you feel completely filled, lean down to the earth, resting your forehead on the ground. You simply become a vehicle to allow the divine energy to unite with that of the earth.
You feel a flowing with the earth again. Earth and heaven, above and below, yin and yang, male and female – you float, you mix, you drop yourself completely. You are not. You become one, you merge.
These two stages should be repeated six more times so that each of the chakras or energy centers can become unblocked. More times can be done, but if you do less you will feel restless and unable to sleep.