You Have to Go Nowhere

Individual Talk

From:Beyond Psychology

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"The real question is not of courage, the real question is that you don't understand that the known is the dead, and the unknown is the living.
"Clinging to the known is clinging to a..."
You Have to Go Nowhere
Click on Chapter Titles below for Details of Each Talk
"The real question is not of courage, the real question is that you don't understand that the known is the dead, and the unknown is the living.
"Clinging to the known is clinging to a..."

Osho continues:
"It will be the same question at the last breath.

"Whatever you know, accumulate – information, knowledge, experience – the moment you have explored them you are finished with them. Now carrying those empty words, that dead load, is crushing your life, burdening your life, preventing you from entering into a living, rejoicing being – which is awaiting you each moment.

"The man of understanding dies to the past every moment and is reborn again to the future. His present is always a transformation, a rebirth, a resurrection. It is not a question of courage at all, that is the first thing to be understood. It is a question of clarity, of being clear about what is what.

"Secondly, whenever there is really a question of courage, nobody can give it to you. It is not something that can be presented as a gift. It is something that you are born with, you just have not allowed it to grow, you have not allowed it to assert itself, because the whole society is against it.

"The society does not want lions, it wants a crowd of sheep. Then it is easy to enslave people, exploit people, do whatever you want to do with them. They don't have a soul; they are almost robots. You order, and they will obey. They are not free individuals.

"No society wants you to be courageous. Every society wants you to be a coward. Nobody says it so sincerely; they have found beautiful words to replace it. They will not say, 'Be cowardly,' because that will look offensive to the person and he will start thinking, 'Why should I be cowardly?' – and a coward is not something respectable.

"No, they say, 'Be cautious. Think twice before you leap. Remember your tradition, your religion is thousands of years old; it has wisdom. You are a newcomer, you cannot afford to disbelieve in it. There is no comparison. You have just come in, and your religion has been there for ten thousand years, accumulating more and more experience, knowledge. It is a Himalayan phenomenon.

"'You are a small pebble. You cannot fight with tradition – it is fighting against yourself, it is self-destructive."
More Information
Publisher Osho International
Duration of Talk 80 mins
File Size 18.57 MB
Type Individual Talks