OSHO Books
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A Bird on the Wing
Zen Anecdotes for Everyday LifeBook – Series of TalksAlso Available As: Series of Audiobooks eBookThese eleven classic anecdotes demonstrate the relevance of Zen to 21st–century life. Osho bypasses the rational mind and speaks directly to the heart, showing how in Zen any situation can be used to become more aware, more conscious, more alive. Learn MoreAncient Music in the Pines
In Zen, Mind Suddenly StopsBook – Series of TalksAlso Available As: eBook Series of AudiobooksIn these talks, Osho brings to life the timeless wisdom of Zen. Using entertaining anecdotes of the exchanges between Zen masters and the people around them, his stimulating, profound and original commentaries make clear the meaning and significance of these stories for the present day.
Learn MoreAnd the Flowers Showered...
The Freudian Couch and ZenBook – Series of TalksAlso Available As: Series of Audiobooks eBookA beautiful and simple introduction to the unique and magical world of Zen. Commenting on eleven Zen anecdotes with humor and clarity, Osho explores the many issues and wonders encountered as one moves on the spiritual path Learn MoreIt's All about Change
The Greatest Challenge to Create a Golden Future for HumanityBook – CompilationAlso Available As: eBook"If anything is to be done for the future, now is the time. Otherwise the greatest evolution of consciousness in the universe will disappear– and that is not only a loss to the earth, but to the whole of existence." Osho Learn MoreLearning to Silence the Mind
Wellness Through MeditationBook – CompilationAlso Available As: eBookThe mind, says Osho, has the potential to be enormously creative in dealing with the challenges of everyday life, and the problems of the world in which we live. The difficulty, however, is that instead of using the mind as a helpful servant we have largely allowed it to become the master of our lives. Learn MoreNirvana: The Last Nightmare
Learning to Trust in LifeBook – Series of TalksAlso Available As: eBook Series of AudiobooksNirvana has become an idealized word associated with the juxtaposition of a cult rock celebrity who died before his time and a vague new age version of Eastern religion. An altered state to be hoped for, but likely unattainable, reinforcing that all too familiar uneasiness associated with never being able to have what we truly desire in life. Learn MoreThe Book of Understanding
Creating Your Own Path to FreedomBook – CompilationAlso Available As: eBookOsho calls for a new humanity that is both responsible and free, challenging us to understand our world and ourselves in a new and radical way. The first step is to question and doubt all that we have been taught to believe.
Learn MoreZen: Its History and Teachings and Impact on Humanity
Book – CompilationOnly once in the history of human consciousness, says Osho, has a thing like Zen come into being. Learn More
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