The God Conspiracy

The Path from Superstition to Super Consciousness
Book — Also available in other formats: eBook
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The God Conspiracy exposes the age-old alliance of the politician and the priest against human freedom,joy, pleasure, comfort and luxury. The politician pays homage to the priest in order to legitimize his power, and the priest enforces the rules of individual behavior – all in the name of God.
The God Conspiracy exposes the age-old alliance of the politician and the priest against human freedom,joy, pleasure, comfort and luxury. The politician pays homage to the priest in order to legitimize his power, and the priest enforces the rules of individual behavior – all in the name of God.

Excerpt from: The God Conspiracy, Foreword
"The axiom is that anything that exists has to be created by somebody. How can it come into existence by itself? This is the problem. Everything that is has been created; otherwise how can it come in the first place? So they bring in God to help you solve the problem of who created the universe.
But what are you going to do with God? Does God exist? If God exists, then who created him? If he does not exist, then how could he create the universe? If God himself does not exist, how can he create existence? And if he exists, then what about your basic maxim that anything that exists needs a creator? No, don’t ask that. That’s what all the religions say – don’t ask who created God. But this is strange – why not? If the question is valid about existence, why does it become invalid when it is applied to God?" Osho
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Type Compilations
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0981834108
Dimensions (size) 150 x 228 mm
Number of Pages 216