Be a Buddha!

Individual Talk

From:The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, Vol. 03

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"Man lives in misery – not because he is destined to live in misery but because he does not understand his own nature, potential, possibilities of growth. This non-understanding of oneself creates hell. To understand..."
Be a Buddha!
Click on Chapter Titles below for Details of Each Talk
"Man lives in misery – not because he is destined to live in misery but because he does not understand his own nature, potential, possibilities of growth. This non-understanding of oneself creates hell. To understand..."

Osho continues:
"Wisdom is greater than knowledge, buddhahood is the ultimate. Buddhahood means awakening. Knowledge means objective knowledge – knowing that which is outside you. It can never be more than information, because you cannot see things from their insides, you can only watch them from the outside; you will remain an outsider. Science is that kind of knowledge. The very word science means knowledge – knowledge from the outside. That which you know is an object, you are separate from it. Knowing the other is knowledge.

"You can go round and round, you can watch it in every possible way. You can weigh and calculate, and dissect and analyze, and you can come to logical conclusions, which will be useful, utilitarian. They will make you more efficient, but they will not make you wise. Wisdom is subjective knowledge; not knowing the object but knowing the knower – that is wisdom.

"Buddhahood is a transcendence of both. In buddhahood there is no object, no subject; all duality has disappeared. There is no knower, no known; there is no observer and nothing as observed – there is only one. Whatsoever you want to call it you can call it: you can call it God, you can call it nirvana, you can call it samadhi, satori, or whatever But only one remains; the two have melted into one.

"In English there is no word to express this ultimate transcendence. In fact there are many things which cannot be expressed in Western languages, because the Eastern approach towards reality is basically, fundamentally, tacitly different. Sometimes it happens that the same thing can be looked at in the Eastern and in the Western way, and on the surface the conclusions may look similar, but they cannot be. If you go a little deeper, if you dig a little deeper, you will find great differences – not ordinary differences but extraordinary differences.

"Just the other night I was reading a famous haiku of Basho, the Zen mystic and master. It does not look like great poetry to the Western mind or to the mind which has been educated in a Western way. And now the whole world is being educated in the Western way; East and West have disappeared as far as education is concerned."
More Information
Publisher Osho International
Duration of Talk 107 mins
File Size 26.39 MB
Type Individual Talks