Zen: Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing

Audiobook Series — Also available in other formats: eBook Series
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In Zen, Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing, Osho responds to questions on love, freedom, morality, a woman’s role in society, nostalgia, a child’s right to privacy, the purpose of life, and more.

In Zen, Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing, Osho responds to questions on love, freedom, morality, a woman’s role in society, nostalgia, a child’s right to privacy, the purpose of life, and more.

Excerpt from: Zen: Zest, Zip, Zap and Zing, Chapter 11

      “You have to go into your own depths and experience, because man is not a being in the ordinary sense of the word.

      “A rosebush is a being, a tiger is a being, a dog is a being – but man is not a being, man is a becoming. To be a being means that one has come into the world with a fixed program. The rosebush can only grow roses. It has an inbuilt program – it cannot grow lotuses or marigolds; that is impossible, that is not open to it. It is linear, it can move only in one direction. Its destiny is fixed, hence the rosebush has a being.

      “A dog can only be a dog and nothing else. You cannot say to a dog, ‘You are not a perfect dog’ – each dog is perfect in his doghood!

      “Man is only an opportunity, multidimensional. He can be a Genghis Khan, he can be a Lao Tzu – poles apart. He can be a Tamerlane, he can be a Gautam Buddha. There is nothing in common between these two – they are unbridgeable, but both are men. They have moved in different directions.

      “Man brings with him only a clean slate; he has to write his own fate, he has to decide what he wants to be. He has freedom, absolute freedom – he comes without a program. He can be a roseflower, he can be a marigold, he can be a lotus, or he may decide not to grow at all. He may remain retarded, he may remain childish, he may miss the whole opportunity of growth.

      “So the first thing to be remembered is that man is the only being who is not a being in reality. Man is the only entity in existence which is closer to becoming than to being. He does not bring any essence with him, he brings only existence, and then he has to create himself. It is a great responsibility; nobody can decide for you. Each act, each thought is decisive. Whatever you are doing, or not doing, is going to give you a certain form, a certain soul.” Osho

More Information
Publisher Osho Media International
Type Series of Talks