No Water, No Moon

Audiobook Series — Also available in other formats: eBook Series
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These Zen stories on the surface seem absurd, but the meaning of Zen cannot be stated in words; it can only be implied by parable. Osho employs these parables to elucidate the foibles of common thinking and to suggest ways to become aware of who we really are.
No Water, No Moon
Click on Chapter Titles below for Details of Each Talk
These Zen stories on the surface seem absurd, but the meaning of Zen cannot be stated in words; it can only be implied by parable. Osho employs these parables to elucidate the foibles of common thinking and to suggest ways to become aware of who we really are.

Excerpt from: No Water, No Moon, Chapter 1
"What is enlightenment? It is becoming aware who you are. It is nothing to do with the outside world. It is nothing to do with what others have said. What others have said is irrelevant. You are there! Why go and consult the Bible and the Koran and the Gita? Close your eyes and you are there in your infinite glory. Close the eyes and the doors are open. Because you are there you need not ask anybody. You ask…then you will miss. The very asking shows that you think you are somewhere else. The very asking shows that you are asking for a map. And for the inner world there is no map – there is no need, because you are not moving to an unknown destination.

"Really, you are not moving at all. You are there. You are the goal. You are not the seeker, you are the enlightenment. So what is enlightenment? One state – when you seek without – is unenlightenment; another state – when you seek within – is enlightenment. So the only difference is of a focusing. If you focus out, you are unenlightened. If you focus in, you are enlightened. So the only question is of a turning." Osho
More Information
Publisher Osho Media International
Type Series of Talks