The Message beyond Words

A Dialogue with the Lord of Death
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The Kathopanishad is the ancient Indian scripture that has been used much like the Tibetan Bardo, to help the dying on their way. Osho’s commentary on this mysterious and touching story brings light and clarity to an inevitability that touches us all.
The Kathopanishad is the ancient Indian scripture that has been used much like the Tibetan Bardo, to help the dying on their way. Osho’s commentary on this mysterious and touching story brings light and clarity to an inevitability that touches us all.

Excerpt from: The Message Beyond Words, Chapter 1
"The Upanishads are unique scriptures on this Earth about the mysteries of life, and the Kathopanishad is unique amongst all the Upanishads. Before we enter into this Upanishad, it will be good to understand the inner current that is underlying this Kathopanishad.

"The first thing is that in this world, one who wants to know life must himself go through the experience of death. Except for this there is no other way.

"To know life one has to learn the art of dying. And the one who is afraid of death will remain unacquainted with life also, because death is the innermost and the most mysterious center of life. Only those who enter into death consciously, with awareness and a welcoming heart, can know this life." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
energy... soul... sound... sex... effort... misery... moment... nachiketa... yama... uddalaka...
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Type 全系列
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0-88050-289-4
Number of Pages 358
File Size 1,507 KB
Format Adobe ePub