The Heart of Yoga

Talks on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Vol. 2 of the Series: Yoga: The Science of the Soul
電子書 — Also available in other formats: 有聲書 (English)
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Osho describes Patanjali as a mathematician of the ultimate poetry; a mystic with a scientific mind, who analyzes and dissects as if in a lab, but his lab is one of the inner being.

Osho describes Patanjali as a mathematician of the ultimate poetry; a mystic with a scientific mind, who analyzes and dissects as if in a lab, but his lab is one of the inner being.

Excerpt from: Yoga: The Science of the Soul, Chapter 1
"How is religion associated with birth? Birth cannot give you religion. It can give you a society, a creed, a sect; it can give you a superstition. The word superstition is very, very meaningful. It means ‘unnecessary faith’. The word ‘super’ means unnecessary, superfluous – faith which has become unnecessary, faith which has become dead. At some time it may have been alive.

"Religion has to be reborn again and again. Remember, you are not born in a religion. Religion has to be born in you, then it is trust – again and again reborn. You cannot give your children your religion, they will have to seek and find their own. Everybody has to seek and find his own. It is an adventure – the greatest adventure. You move into the unknown." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
trust... love... desire... sex... doubt... samadhi... seed... patanjali... heraclitus... mahavira...
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Type 全系列
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0-88050-720-2
Format Adobe ePub