Nirvana: The Last Nightmare

Learning to Trust in Life
電子書 — Also available in other formats: 有聲書 (English)
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Nirvana has become an idealized word associated with the juxtaposition of a cult rock celebrity who died before his time and a vague new age version of Eastern religion. An altered state to be hoped for, but likely unattainable, reinforcing that all too familiar uneasiness associated with never being able to have what we truly desire in life.
Nirvana has become an idealized word associated with the juxtaposition of a cult rock celebrity who died before his time and a vague new age version of Eastern religion. An altered state to be hoped for, but likely unattainable, reinforcing that all too familiar uneasiness associated with never being able to have what we truly desire in life.

Excerpt from: Nirvana: The Last Nightmare, Chapter 1
"You can find anything in the world that you crave for. There will be a nightmare, but there is an end to it. But nirvana is the last and the ultimate nightmare. Once you start seeking it, it is never going to happen – because the very nature is such that the very nature prevents you from reaching it." Osho
In this title, Osho talks on the following topics:
god... nirvana... life... anger... pope... contradictory... male... muso... copernicus... ginsberg...
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Type 全系列
Publisher OSHO Media International
ISBN-13 978-0-88050-210-8
Number of Pages 214
File Size 400 KB
Format Nook Or Kindle