Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within

Unleashing the Forces Within
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A creative person is one who has insight, who can see things nobody else has ever seen before, who hears things that nobody has heard before -- then there is creativity.
A creative person is one who has insight, who can see things nobody else has ever seen before, who hears things that nobody has heard before -- then there is creativity.

Excerpt from: Creativity: Unleashing the Forces Within, Chapter 2
"Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. But you become very shaky, because you are still clinging to a false center. That false center depends on others, so you are always looking to what people are saying about you. And you are always following other people, you are always trying to satisfy them. You are always trying to be respectable, you are always trying to decorate your ego. This is suicidal.

"Rather than being disturbed by what other people say, you should start looking inside yourself." Osho
Osho’s words are like brushstrokes of poetry. Each stroke is a beautiful expression unto itself. And the overall work is that of a master. Osho is a painter of words that touch the heart, mind, and soul.
Peter Max

American pop idol Lady Gaga revealed in a first press conference on her India visit her love for books by Osho.

Creativity and rebellion go hand in hand for American singer, song writer and pop icon Lady Gaga. Arriving on her first India visit she was warmly welcomed and available for TV and the press. After she had sent in August a quote about creativity from the book "Creativity" by Osho via her Twitter account to her 15 millions followers on Twitter, the press followed up and she was asked about her connection to the Indian mystic Osho. The 25 year old singer from New York responded: "Oh yes Osho! I read a lot of Osho’s books....I read Osho because not only do I love his work and what he writes about, but I guess I am kind of an Indian hippie!"
More Information
Type 汇编
Publisher St. Martins Press, USA
ISBN 0312205198
ISBN-13 978-0312205195
Dimensions (size) 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.3 inches
Number of Pages 192